17th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies (Zagreb 2021)
- Post 26 March 2021
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Konferencija
- Hits: 11796
Academy of Fine Arts
Department of Art Conservation and Restoration
Zamenhofova 14, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
XVII International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies
Zagreb, 21st – 22nd October 2021 [online event]
The Department of Art Conservation and Restoration of the Academy of Fine Arts, University in Zagreb, is pleased to invite you to the seventeenth International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies. The conference will be taking place on October 21st and October 22nd, 2021, and will be held online due to the ongoing health and safety measures.
This conference brings together students of three Croatian universities with conservation-restoration departments (Zagreb, Split, and Dubrovnik), as well as those studying conservation-restoration at foreign higher education institutions. The main objective of the conference is to present practical and research student work or student projects in the field of conservation-restoration carried out in their years of study. All students are welcome to actively participate in the conference and present their work via oral or poster presentation. The presentations are not subject to review on the part of the organizers, which implies that their eligibility and selection is at the discretion of the mentoring teachers.
The conference will be open to the public. The official language of the conference is English. Due to health and safety measures, the conference will be held via the Zoom Video Communication App. The pre-recorded presentations and posters will be streamed during the online meeting, while the Questions & Answers session will be held live. The access link for the Zoom meeting will be sent to all participants via e-mail and will be published on this website.
As the conference has become a biennial event, we would like to inform the students who have graduated after the last conference (Spring of 2019) that they are welcome to participate and present their master’s thesis at this year’s event.
Please direct questions to the official e-mail address of the conference: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The instructions for participating in the conference and all application documents are available in the section FOR AUTHORS (Oral Presentation Application and Poster Application). Examples of completed application forms for oral and poster presentations can also be found there.
Conference invitation161.45 KB
Call for participation259.07 KB
Declaration of Consent314.00 KB
Important dates
Application deadline for oral presentations: June 15th, 2021
Application deadline for poster-presentations: June 15th, 2021
Submission deadline for posters in digital format: September 20th, 2021
Submission deadline for oral presentation recordings: October 1st, 2021
Submission deadline for the full transcript of oral presentations (needed for adding subtitles): October 1st, 2021
Updated on April 11, 2021.