"Zvonimir Wyroubal" Prize Winners (Split, 2015)
- Post 27 April 2015
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 2652
"Zvonimir Wyroubal" Prize winners are: Cäcilia Kegley for the oral presentation "Presentation and Storage of the Romanesque Ceiling Painting Fragments From the Church of St. Nikolaus in Matrei", Vladimir Pajić, Marina Tekić, Miša Jovanović and Tijana Lekić for the Power Point presentation "Conservation, Restoration, Reconstruction and Presentation of Fragments of Roman Wall Paintings From the Archaeological Site Mediana, Niš", and Nikolina Cvitanović and Marin Vokić for the poster "The letter in a bottle".
Opening of the 12th International Conference of the Conservation-Restoration Studies
- Post 27 April 2015
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 2526
An article about the opening of the Twelfth International Conference of the Conservation-Restoration Studies was published on the University of Split's website.
With International Participation and of International Significance
- Post 27 April 2015
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 3130
Announcement of the Twelfth International Conference of the Conservation-Restoration Studies was published last Monday in the University of Split's newspaper Universitas. The article was written by Assistant Professor Sagita Mirjam Sunara (Conservation-Restoration Department of the Arts Academy in Split).
S. M. Sunara, "S međunarodnim sudjelovanjem i od međunarodnog značenja"454.67 KB
Here's our poster!
- Post 15 April 2015
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 2484
Take a look at our poster; we hope you like it. It was designed by Mladen Čulić, associate professor at the Conservation-Restoration Department and a member of the Organizing Committee. The poster includes logos of all our sponsors and donors. We are grateful for their kind support!
Free entry to the Croatian Maritime Museum
- Post 30 March 2015
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 2426
Conference attendees receive free entry to the Croatian Maritime Museum Split from April 23 to April 25. The Museum has donated to the Conference ten copies of M. Klarić's book Uvod u konzervaciju kovina (Introduction to Conservation of Metals), which will be awarded to the receivers of the "Zvonimir Wyroubal" Prize and/or to the representatives of each of the participating Departments of Conservation-Restoration Studies.
The Organizing Committee of the Twelfth International Conference of the Conservation-Restoration Studies thanks all sponsors and donors for their support.
Have a question? Contact Ivana and Josipa!
- Post 30 March 2015
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 2747
Wondering where to book accommodation in Split or what the weather is generally like in April? Our students Ivana Vukadin and Josipa Marić will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please don't hesitate to contact them!
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">
Mobile: 00385 97 690 0041
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">
Mobile: 00385 91 179 9854
Archetype's Titles at Discount Prices
- Post 20 March 2015
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 3344
Archetype Publications Ltd. has grown since 1987 to be one of the leading publishers in the field of conservation and restoration of art and antiquities and technical history of art. Last year, Archetype was one of the sponsors of the International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies. We are pleased that this successful collaboration has continued into this year!
One of the events taking place within the framework of the 12th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies will be the presentation of Archetype’s titles by its director Mr. James Black. The books will be displayed on Archetype Publications stand for the whole duration of the Conference, enabling the participants to browse them during breaks.
For this year’s meeting, Archetype Publications Ltd. has prepared a number of attractive titles at discount prices. The listing of the titles at discount prices can be found here:
In order to pre-order the desired title, all you have to do is check the box that is located to the right of the desired title in the Pre-Order Form with a cross mark and enter your personal information. There is no need for you to limit yourself to the titles in the offered list, as you can order any title that can be found on Archetype Publications Ltd. webpage. Additional discounts for titles which are not included in the present reduced prices offer list, will be made known upon the placement of order.
The completed Order Form should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . The titles that are not on the list of Archetype’s titles offered at discount prices, should be quoted in the e-mail. Deadline for the placement of orders is April 15, 2015 (Wednesday).
The ordered item can be paid by cash (in Euros) or credit card (Visa or MasterCard) at the Conference, or in advance, in which case you must send your personal information directly to the Publisher by e-mail or fax . The confirmation of the payment will be received my mail.
The ordered books can be collected on the last day of the Conference, on Archetype stand.
For all questions concerning the ordering of books contact Lana Kekez, member of the Conference Organising Committee: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Book Donation
- Post 18 March 2015
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 2545
The Gallery of Fine Arts, Split, has donated to the Conference some valuable books which, along with other gathered books, will be awarded to the receivers of the "Zvonimir Wyroubal" Prize and/or to the representatives of each of the participating Departments of Conservation-Restoration Studies. This commendable tradition was begun two years ago at the Conference meeting in Dubrovnik.
The list of sponsors and donors, to whom the Organizing Committee of the 12th International Conference whole-heartedly thanks for their support, can be found here.
New Facebook Page
- Post 01 March 2015
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 2589
We have a new Facebook page and hope you will follow us there!
Review of the 2014 Conference
- Post 13 January 2015
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 2737
The students of the Conservation-Restoration Department of the Arts Academy in Split have published three articles concerning the 11th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies, on their weblog Stažiranje među umjetninama (Internship Among Artworks):
• Josipa Krolo: Studenti o studentskoj konferenciji - 1. dio
• Katarina Cvrlje: Studenti o studentskoj konferenciji - 2. dio
• Martina Bilobrk and Dora Kovačević: Studenti o studentskoj konferenciji - 3. dio
In adddition to this, Dora Blažević's review of the Conference was published in Universitas, the University of Split's monthly newspaper.
Zvonimir Wyroubal Award Winners 2014
- Post 13 January 2015
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 2638
The 11th International Conference winners are: Joanna Zwinczak for the oral presentation "Structural conservation of a Flemish panel painting by Adriaen de Gryef: Stabilization of the support", Ana Maly, Julia Mitterbauer and Marco Rican for the Power Point presentation "Developing Carbon-fibre Reinforced Epoxy Dowels for the Reassembly of a Fragmented Egyptian Coffin Lid", and Zala Kalan for the poster "Conservation and restoration of wooden marionettes from the play The Strike Brigade".
This year's special award went to Mr. James Black, of Archetype Publications Limited.
Zvonimir Wyroubal Award Sculpture by Dora Kovačević
- Post 13 January 2015
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 2111
"Zvonimir Wyroubal" Award sculpture, specially designed for the 11th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies, is a work by the renowned Croatian sculptor Dora Kovačević.
Top conservation literature at discount prices!
- Post 17 March 2014
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 2634
Archetype Publications, Ltd., one of the leading publishers in the conservation of art and antiquities and technical art history, is offering the participants of the 11th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies an exclusive chance to select and purchase books on dicount prices! The list of forty titles with indicated reduced prices can be found here:
Conservation books at discount prices95.25 KB
The Publisher was not able to calculate reduced prices for all of their publications, but if you are interested in this offer and would like to get a discount for another book not listed here, please visit www.archetype.co.uk.
You are kindly asked to send the list of titles that you wish to purchase to the Organizing Committee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Lists from Institutions will be accepted, as well as those from individuals.
The Organizing Committee is pleased to announce that Mr. James Black, the director of Archetype Publications Ltd., will be the guest of the conference. Mr. Black will present some of the titles of this renowned publisher. He will arrive in Zagreb with the ordered books, which you will be able to pay for (in Euros) and pick up on April 26th at the Conference venue.
We kindly ask that you send your lists by March 28th to allow for the necessary preparations and timely shipping to Zagreb.
Conference poster
- Post 01 March 2014
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 2291
Natalija Nikpalj, Assistant Professor, designed the poster of the 11th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies.
Dobitnici nagrade "Zvonimir Wyroubal" za 2013. godinu
- Post 13 October 2013
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 1982
Nagradu "Zvonimir Wyroubal" za najbolje predavanje dobio je Vedran Kundić s Odsjeka za konzervaciju-restauraciju Umjetničke akademije u Splitu (UMAS). Vedranovo je izlaganje bilo naslovljeno "Izrada replike kamenog pluteja iz crkve sv. Petra Velikog u Dubrovniku". Drugi po broju glasova u toj kategoriji bili su Marta Stanić i Neven Peko (Odsjek za umjetnost i restauraciju, Sveučilište u Dubrovniku / OZUR), dok je Petra Perlain (UMAS) bila treća.
Nagrada za najbolji poster pripala je Moniki Lolić (OZUR) za poster "Svojstva gradbenih materijala i tehnologija izrade polimentne pozlate na drvu".
Nagrada "Zvonimir Wyroubal" ove se godine dodjeljivala u samo dvije kategorije, za najbolje predavanje i najbolji poster. Plakete su izradili studenti Odsjeka za umjetnost i restauraciju Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku pod mentorskim vodstvom profesorice Nađe Lučić, a prema dizajnu umjetnika Vedrana Perkova. Dubrovčani su ponudili nešto drugačije rješenje od prošlogodišnjeg, izradivši plaketu od furniranog drva. Brojni sponzori pobrinuli su se da nitko od studenata ne ode kući praznih ruku.
U Kvartalu objavljen osvrt na 10. konferenciju: "Jubilej za pamćenje"
- Post 13 October 2013
- By Super User
- In Novosti
- Hits: 2018
U Kvartalu, kronici povijesti umjetnosti u Hrvatskoj, objavljen je osvrt na 10. međunarodnu konferenciju studija konzervacije-restauracije, "Jubilej za pamćenje". Autorica teksta je Sagita Mirjam Sunara, nastavnica na Odsjeku za konzervaciju-restauraciju Umjetničke akademije u Splitu.
"Stažistica" Sara Schimdt izvještava o 10. konferenciji na blogu
- Post 12 October 2013
- By Super User
- In Novosti
- Hits: 1924
Na blogu Stažiranje među umjetninama objavljen je osvrt na 10. međunarodnu konferenciju studija konzervacije-restauracije iz pera studentice Sare Schmidt. Tekst je naslovljen "Deseti rođendan Međunarodne konferencije studija konzervacije-restauracije". Uredila ga je i fotografijama opremila docentica Sagita Mirjam Sunara s Odsjeka za konzervaciju-restauraciju Umjetničke akademije u Splitu.
Osvrt na 10. konferenciju u Universitasu, listu splitskoga sveučilišta
- Post 13 October 2013
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 4297
U 43. broju Universitasa objavljen je članak splitske studentice Nives Mijić "Deseti susret studenata konzervacije-restauracije". Nives ističe da je ovogodišnja konferencija nastavila tradiciju povezivanja studenata konzervacije-restauracije na njihovom putu da postanu kvalitetni stručnjaci. "Studenti su uspješno razmijenili znanja i iskustva u struci, složivši se da veću važnost treba posvetiti senzibiliziranju šire javnosti za probleme očuvanja baštine, ali i prezentiranju rada konzervatora-restauratora," zaključuje.
Nives Mijić, "Deseti susret studenata konzervacije-restauracije"2.92 MB
Dubrovački vjesnik: "Konferencija studenata konzervacije-restauracije"
- Post 19 April 2013
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 2574
Dubrovački vjesnik prenosi vijest o otvaranju 10. međunarodne konferencije studija konzervacije-restauracije. Članak "Konferencija studenata konzervacije-restauracije" dostupan je ovdje.
Promocija konferencije
- Post 18 April 2013
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 2331
Kako izgledaju promotivni posteri za 10. međunarodnu konferenciju studija konzervacije-restauracije, možete pogledati ovdje. Na Facebook stranici Konferencije objavljen je i album s fotografijama koje dokumentiraju izradu postera.
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- Produžen rok za prijavu usmenih izlaganja i postera
- O konferenciji i u glasilu Međunarodnog instituta za restauriranje
- Barbara Horvat o 9. međunarodnoj konferenciji studija konzervacije-restauracije
- Boris Burić, autor fotografije na početnoj stranici
- Facebook stranica 10. međunarodne konferencije studija konzervacije-restauracije
- Objavljen transkript okruglog stola
- Najljepši poklon petnaestoj obljetnici Odsjeka za konzervaciju-restauraciju i UMAS-a