The Fifteenth Conference
- Post 27 February 2019
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Povijest konferencije
- Hits: 4732
////////// Split, April 26–28, 2018
_oral presentations
Klara Kolarova (Prague), Presentation of the Work on Wall Painting Conservation Projects in Ladakh, North India (2015, 2017)
Marija Lena Bošković (Split), Conservation of Roman Wall Painting Fragments from Issa: Research and Reconstruction of the Original Scheme
Benedikta Vilenica (Zagreb), Conservation and Restoration Work on the Transfer of the Early 20th C wall Painting by Osvaldo Bierti in the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Jastrebarsko
Jure Balić i Vinko Lipanović (Split), Conservation-restoration Works on the Two-light Window (Bifora) from the First Storey of the Papalić Palace (Split City Museum)
Silvana Di Ceglie i Katarina Prkačin (Dubrovnik), Restoration of a Neo Baroque Chest of Drawers
Mia Perković, Katija Maškarić, Iva Carević i Dora Franetović (Dubrovnik), Papermaking: The History and the Technique
Karmen Milić (Split), Effects of Abrasive Blast Cleaning Media on Non-Ferrous Surfaces
Ivan Gnjec (Dubrovnik), Conservation and Restoration Procedures on Magnate Jewellery of Rudolf Normann von Ehrenfels
Paulina Wegrzyn (Cracow), Dealing with a Cradled Panel Painting
Barbara Dragan (Ljubljana), Problems Associated with the Cleaning of "Unvarnished" Paintings
Nives Slemenšek (Ljubljana), Marij Pregelj Up-close
Nikolina Lovrić (Split), Wall Paintings in Churches in the Territory of Poljica
Ivana Dragozet i Lara Jurki (Zagreb), Transfer of a Fragment of Painted Frieze from the Moise Palace at Cres
Ewa Szarłata and Paulina Węgrzyn (Cracow), Conservation of a Detached Anti-nazi and Anti-fascist Mixed-media Installation
Martin Zohil (Split), Conservation-Restoration Works on a Flavius Valens Sarcophagus from Salona
Tamara Kaličanin i Marita Marković (Split), Role of the Archaeological Conservator in Excavations. The Examples of Good Practice
Karmen Đanić, Valnea Gjivić, Barbara Butigan i Domenika Krasan (Dubrovnik), Methods Used in Restoration of Flood Damaged Paper Objects
Paulina Węgrzyn (Cracow), Restoration of a Polychrome Wooden Cabinet with Oak Graining Imitation
Ante Pereza (Zagreb), Applied Art of Intarsia
Ira Fabrio i Antonia Kunjašić (Dubrovnik), Elecrolytic Cleaning and Silvering
Sara Vladić (Dubrovnik), Story Behind the 16th Century Damask Fragment from the Island of Lopud
Ivan Goldin (Zagreb), Photodocumentation of Cultural heritage (Objects): Tips on Studio and On Site (in situ) Approaches
Erica Sartori (Ljubljana), Applied Brocade. Art Technology and Conservation-Restoration
Justyna Kędziora (Cracow), Use of Combined Physical and Chemical Examination of a Panel Painting for Decision-making Purposes: Retouching Removal
Ivana Guljelmović, Patricia Prevarek, Ana Sokač i Anamaria Udovičić (Zagreb), Varnish Preparation and Application on Easel Paintings
Tijana Mihailović i Milica Terzić (Belgrade), Conservation and Restoration of the Seoba Srba Chromolithograph by Paja Jovanović
Urška Lončar i Monika Zobec (Ljubljana), Development of New Mosaic Tesserae for Artists and Conservators-Restorers
Click here to learn more about the Conference. (The text is available in English.)
Compiled by Sagita Mirjam Sunara (Department of Conservation-Restoration, Arts Academy of the University of Split) / Updated: February 27, 2019
The Fourteenth Conference
- Post 31 March 2018
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Povijest konferencije
- Hits: 5321
////////// Zagreb, April 20–22, 2017
_oral presentations
Alicja Sawoniuk (Cracow): Titanium dioxide photocatalytic coatings for cleaning wall painting surfaces
Iva Carević, Katija Maškarić and Mia Perković (Dubrovnik): Importance of restoration and conservation of the historical book
Marcell Miklós (Budapest): The conservation of an African sword with scabbard made of skins of Nile reptiles
Maja Potrawiak (Cracow): The conservation of the painting with the depiction of Madonna and Child of Cracow Hodegetria type from the church in Przyłęk Szlachecki : The reconstruction of the background based on existing grounds
Mia Prahin (Zagreb): The examples of detachment of wall paintings practices on Department for Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art (Zagreb)
Tea Borovina (Dubrovnik): Conservation and restoration of an oleography
Katarina Milosavljević (Belgrade): Carved stone from the archaeological collection of the late Middle Ages, Gravestone – Krstaca
Paulina Kralka (Cracow): The wayang klitik (kerucil) javanese puppet theatre – research and conservation of five puppets from the National Museum of Ethnography in Warsaw collection
Petra Bohinc and Helena Pucelj Krajnc (Ljubljana): Issues on preservation of heritage in Plečnik's house
Ana Oblak (Ljubljana): The Ecce Homo painting by Leopold Layer : Identifying problems and solutions
Barbara Dragan (Ljubljana): Consolidation of stone sculptures using the biomineralization method
Francis Dragičević and Ivana Vukadin (Split): Producing copies of the Late Bronze Age pottery from Dugiš on the river Cetina
Giulia Allegretti De Lista, Elena Fondacaro and Valeria Pappalardo (Naples): Restoration of San Giovanni in Fonte baptistery mosaics
Čila Berden and Barbara Škander (Ljubljana): Conservation-restoration of the wall painting Mladina se vključuje v proizvodnjo (Youth are Getting Involved in the Production) by Maksim Sedej and Dana Pajnič
Anezka Jadlovska (Pardubice): The restoration of old print Georgica Curiosa from year 1716
Alicja Sawoniuk (Cracow/Zagreb): The Unknown Saint, the wooden sculpture with polychrome, gilding and silvering; 16th/17th century (?)
Iva Carević, Katija Maškarić, Dora Franetović and Mia Perković (Dubrovnik): Saving the words of Illyric history
Angel Oblak (Ljubljana): Conservation and restoration of Tomos Colibri 03 moped
Sonja Pavin (Zagreb): Crucifixion group : Conservation of polychrome sculptures from St. James chapel at Očura
Josip Nižetić (Split): Restoration of the ancient Roman sculpture Augustus from Narona
Lucija Roce (Dubrovnik): Conservation and restoration works carried out on two wooden, polychrome sculpture of angel torchbearer from the church of St. Margaret in Štinjan
Anđela Aćimović and Monika Sarana (Sarajevo): Restoration of mosaic replica from Stolac
Andrea Šafran, Luka Krešimir Stipić, Marko Rizvić and Ante Pereza (Zagreb): Diocesan Museum waterfalls
Ana Štimac (Zagreb): Conservation and restoration works on the icon Crucifixion with Saints
Click here to learn more about the Conference. (The text is available in English.)
Compiled by Sagita Mirjam Sunara (Department of Conservation-Restoration, Arts Academy of the University of Split) / Updated: April 15, 2018
The Twelfth Conference
- Post 31 March 2018
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Povijest konferencije
- Hits: 5173
////////// Split, April 23–25, 2015
_oral presentations
Martina Lochert (Zagreb) and Darija Tripalo (Zagreb – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences): Conservation In Situ: Investigative conservation-restoration works on the wooden inventory in the chapel of St. Mihalj in Samobor, Croatia
Andrea Madarász (Budapest): Conservation of Archaeological Waterlogged Wooden Objects Using Trehalose and Freeze Drying
Josipa Marić and Ivana Vukadin (Split): Explorers of The Lost Treasures of My Homeland: Conservation-restoration educational workshop for the youngest
Vladimir Pajić, Marina Tekić, Miša Jovanović and Tijana Lekić (Belgrade): Conservation, Restoration, Reconstruction and Presentation of Fragments of Roman Wall Paintings From the Archaeological Site Mediana, Niš
Mirna Međeral (Zagreb): From Munich to Zagreb: Research and conservation of the painting The Satyr and the Peasant by Miroslav Kraljević
Mateja Novaković and Dominik Rajčević (Split): Disassembling, Restoration and Reassembling of a Stone Altar
Valentina Bakša (Zagreb): The Effects of Gamma Irradiation on Historic Pigments
Nađa Šperac (Split): Resistance of Paraloid B-72 to Temperature and UV Radiation
Jelena Simić (Belgrade): Conservation and Restoration of the Poster 25 Juin 1916 journee Serbe by Steinlen
Barbara Dragan and Petra Zaviršek (Ljubljana): A Creative Way to Practical Knowledge: Optimal ratio determination of binders, fillers and pigments in oil paint production
Marjeta Klemenčič and Petra Juvan (Ljubljana): Student Participation in Gabrijel Stupica Up Close: The Technology of Making and Preserving Works of Art Project
Cäcilia Kegley (Vienna): Presentation and Storage of the Romanesque Ceiling Painting Fragments From the Church of St. Nikolaus in Matrei
Filip Pelon and Bartosz Zarębski (Cracow): Similarities and Differences in the History, Techniques and Technologies used in two Gothic Panel Paintings From the Historic Region of Lesser Poland
Joanna Sitnik (Cracow): Removing Soot From the Surface of Oil Paintings
Renata Karska (Cracow): Preliminary research methodology of the historical firearms; conservation of the arquebus with wheellock (17th or 18th Ct.) from the collection of the National Museum in Cracow
Stela Korda (Dubrovnik): Conservation-restoration of a 19th Ct. pistol, type kubura ledenica (ice pistol)
Melita Kurtić and Paula Bule (Zagreb): The conservation of two polychrome sculptures, St. Mary Magdalen and St. Margaret, from Samobor Museum, with the overview of chronological layers
Dunja Rapaić (Zagreb): Pair of angels candle holders
Leda Halambek (Zagreb): To conserve or to restore: finding the balance
Helena Ugrina (Split): The marble statue of the Emperor Augustus from Nin
Ena Đelmo (Ljubljana): Conservation-restoration treatment on the painting Landscape with Lake
Nadja Šičarov (Ljubljana): Reverse painting on glass from the National Museum of Slovenia collection: issues and proposed conservation-restoration solutions
Karol Brzozowski (Cracow): XRF scanning as the perfect way of investigating well preserved objects
Katarzyna Bizon (Cracow): XRF macro scanning as a first step of non-invasive investigation of the works of art
Francis Dragičević (Split): Amphorae, then and now
Eni Jukopila and Martina Lochert (Zagreb): Jakovlje Mansion and Sculpture Park, Croatia
Aleksandar Ćulibrk, Ana-Marija Spasenović, Mila Vranješ and Dragana Vicentijević (Belgrade): The conservation-restoration of the wall painting Life, suffering and struggle of the people in the birthplace of President Josip Broz Tito from the Middle Ages to the World War II by Raoul Goldoni at the Museum of Yugoslav History
Nikolina Cvitanović and Marin Vokić (Dubrovnik): The letter in a bottle
_invited lectures
Ćazim Hadžimeilić, PhD (Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo): Tradicionalna priprema tuša i preparacija papira i kože
Ivan Srša (Croatian Conservation Institute): Korak više (Neobavezna, ali ne i nevažna istraživanja tijekom restauriranja zidnih slika)
Elio Karamatić (Croatian Conservation Institute): Konstruktivna rješenja na objektima od drva
Dragica Krstić, PhD (National and University Library in Zagreb): Konzervatorska istraživanja na kompozitnom djelu Sv. Obitelj ispod hrasta s ukrasnim okvirom Gloria in Excelsis Deo J. J. Klovića
Jelena Tomasović Grbić (Neir d.o.o.), Jelena Fuštar (Neir d.o.o.) and Filip Rogošić (Arts Academy in Split): Konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi na skulpturi Grgur Ninski Ivana Meštrovića
Žana Matulić Bilač (Croatian Conservation Institute): Drveni svod s Gospinim ciklusom nad oltarom sv. Dujma
Click here to learn more about the Conference. (The text is available in English.)
Compiled by Sagita Mirjam Sunara (Department of Conservation-Restoration, Arts Academy of the University of Split) / Updated: April 1, 2018
The Thirteenth Conference
- Post 31 March 2018
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Povijest konferencije
- Hits: 5570
////////// Dubrovnik, April 21–23, 2016
_oral presentations
Ana Grđan (Zagreb): Conservation and restoration of the wall painting representing the scene The Shooting of Crucified Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian
Josipa Marić (Split): FTIR analysis of fresco painting and stone sculpture pigment samples - The creation of pigment sample data base at the Arts Academy of Split laboratory
Nives Slemenšek and Barbara Kogoj (Ljubljana): Dilemmas in removing old varnish from baroque painting Objokovanje (Lamentation)
Martin Siennicki (Vienna): Investigation, conservation and replica of an late medival Great Pavise from the city of Kaufbeuren, Germany
Ewa Lisiecka and Kazimierz Górski (Warsaw): A comparsion of conservation methods on example of waterlogged wood from Neolithic site
Ana Šapina (Split): The xylarium of the Conservation–Restoration Department of the Arts Academy, Split
Petra Ajduković, Anita Brakus Kedžo, Ana Doljanin and Veronika Meštrović Šaran: Conservation and restoration research of summer houses of Dubrovnik area
Ava Hermann (Vienna): Bicorn hat with a fitted hatbox and two portepees
Tina Tomšič (Split): The importance of artist's voice: Developing a treatment plan for Dora Kovačević's sculpture The Wall (Zid)
Anja Novak (Ljubljana): Possible ways for reconstructing missing sections of mosaics
Ivan Vanja Martinović (Zagreb): Design of repair plasters by drilling resistance criterion
Ajla Alijagić, Kenan Cikotić, Iman Gec, Ida Fazlić, Mirza Raunić, Jasmina Hrustanović and Arman Džaferagić (Sarajevo): Reorganisation of the museum depot
Ante Šimunović (Dubrovnik): Cleaning of iron revolver
Edib Huseinagic, Amina Begic and Lamija Avdic (Sarajevo): Conservation of the book cover of calligraphic manuscript
Ruhulah Hodžić, Ajla Redžić and Azra Hasković (Sarajevo): Conservation and restoration of calligraphic manuscript
Petar Nevžala (Dubrovnik): Conservation and restoration of military "Shako" hat
Lucijana Margaretić (Dubrovnik): Challenges facing the protection of textile items from Island of Lopud
Nađa Šperac (Split): Resistance of Paraloid B-72 to temperature and UV radiation
Dora Mihanović (Zagreb): Wooden gilded Ttabernacle, early 20th century, Stuflesser Wworkshop
Ewa Lisiecka and Agnieszka Mielnik (Warsaw): Conservation of an old armchair
Marija Lena Bošković (Split): The fragments of wall paintings fom Issa
Ivana Vukadin and Francis Dragičević (Split): FTIR analysis of the late Bronze Age pottery from Dugiš on the river Cetina
Vanda Krstinić and Anja Mihotović (Split): Restitutor Orbis – Restorer of the World
Jelena Petričević, Nikolina Lovrić and Zrinka Vukorepa (Split): Mosaics in Diocletian’s Palace: Preservation in situ
Karmen Milić (Split) and Benedikta Vilenica (Zagreb): Dušan Džamonja Sculpture Park in Vrsar, Istra
Josip Nižetić (Split): Restoration of the town gate at Kaštel Kambelovac
Click here to learn more about the Conference. (The text is available in English.)
Compiled by Sagita Mirjam Sunara (Department of Conservation-Restoration, Arts Academy of the University of Split) / Updated: March 31, 2018
The Eleventh Conference
- Post 31 March 2018
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Povijest konferencije
- Hits: 5433
////////// Zagreb, April 24–26, 2014
_oral presentations
Maria Kisiel (Cracow): The splitting treatment on the obverse of the right, smaller wing of the Łącko Triptych from the beggining of the 16th century
Helena Ugrina (Split): Is crust black or white? A study in Croatian conservation – restoration terminology
Ana Maly, Julia Mitterbauer and Marco Rican (Vienna): Developing Carbon-fibre Reinforced Epoxy Dowels for the Reassembly of a Fragmented Egyptian Coffin Lid
Ivan-Vanja Martinović, Mirna Međeral and Ivana Pavleka (Zagreb): Workshop experiences – materials and methods in wall painting conservation
Rebeka Nagy (Budapest): The restoration of a Persian hand-armour
Luka Novak and Anica Pintur (Zagreb): Interfacultative collaboration of the Department for Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Academy of Fine Arts with the Department for Art History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb
Joanna Zwinczak (Cracow): Structural conservation of a Flemish panel painting by Adriaen de Gryef: Stabilization of the support
Barbara Krilanović (Dubrovnik): The skeleton of hand fans
Valentina Bakša (Zagreb): Wooden polychrome sculpture Suffering Christ from the Diocesan Museum in Zagreb
Anna Pilarski (Stuttgart): Research on flexible gap fillers for wooden objects, based on the work of Mintrop
Ksenija Janković (Ljubljana): Preventive conservation of daguerreotypes in Slovenia
Petra Richter (Zagreb): Conservation and restoration of painting The Adoration of the Three Kings
Oskar Hanusek (Cracow): The problem of contemporary artwork’s conservation in the context of the artist’s notes and works: a case study of Maria Pinińska-Bereś’s The Meadow of Your Body – an artwork made using polymer foam
Petra Juvan (Ljubljana): A proposal to establish a more suitable micro-indoor environment for the two paintings by Valentin Metzinger in the Succursal Church of Žale, Kamnik
Ivan Tibor Grujić (Zagreb): Short video documentary: conservation and restoration works on the sculpture of St. Michael the Archangel (screening)
Petar Nevžala (Dubrovnik): Interpretation of pattern on chasuble inv. no. 5A
Wiktoria Zejler (Cracow): Identification, conservation and restoration of the wall painting situated in the cloister of the Sanctuary of the Our Lady Queen of Families in Wambierzyce
Zala Kalan (Ljubljana): onservation and restoration of wooden marionettes from the play The Strike Brigade
Wawrzyniec Woźniak (Cracow): Christ Crucified – wooden, polychrome sculpture from the Dominicans monastery in Cracov- conservation and restoration in the context of a comparative analysis of the state of research and the corresponding animated figures
Romana Manenica (Dubrovnik): Conservation-restoration of Terracotta ring vase – Cypriot collection from Archaeological museum of Dubrovnik. Replacement of missing parts: modelling and moulding
Izabela Górka-Zygier (Cracow): Conservation and restoration of 19th century casket including reconstruction of the missing elements in the material imitating bone
Orsolya Zelenák, Júlia Tövissi and Tamás Sipos (Budapest): Conservation aspects and methods applied on several medieval parchment fragments
Piotr Jarek (Cracow): The problems of historical alterations in the cassone type chest using the example of the conservation of the 16th century Italian chest
Martina Lochert (Zagreb): Canon Tables
Karmen Milić (Split): Preventive Conservation in the Church of St. Joseph (Lazarus) on the Island of Čiovo
Josip Nižetić (Split): Preventive Conservation in the Church of St. Joseph (Lazarus) on the Island of Čiovo: The short version
Oskar Hanusek (Krakow): The Meadow of Your Body – conservation of contemporary artwork made using polymer foam
Bernarda Đurić, Nikolina Lovrić and Katarina Cvrlje (Split): Learning Outside the Classroom: Mastering the Basics of Scientific Research and the Conservation-Restoration Documentation
Katarina Apolonio, Kristina Cvija and Ana Grđan (Zagreb): Practical training – Wall painting conservation project in the church of St. Mary of Pond in Gologorica (Istria)
Anna Selerowicz (Warsaw): Solving secrets of two 17th century portraits; research on Anthony van Dyck artworks
Nika Maštruko (Zagreb): Wood to gold, the appliance of metal leaves to wooden surfices
Joanna Zwinczak (Cracow): Structural conservation of a Flemish panel painting by Adriaen de Gryef: Stabilization of the support
Maria Kisiel (Cracow): The splitting treatment on the obverse of the right, smaller wing of the Łącko Triptych from the beginning of the 16th century
Click here to learn more about the Conference. (The text is available in English.)
Compiled by Sagita Mirjam Sunara (Department of Conservation-Restoration, Arts Academy of the University of Split) / Updated: April 1, 2018