The Fifteenth Conference
- Post 27 February 2019
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Povijest konferencije
- Hits: 4731
////////// Split, April 26–28, 2018
_oral presentations
Klara Kolarova (Prague), Presentation of the Work on Wall Painting Conservation Projects in Ladakh, North India (2015, 2017)
Marija Lena Bošković (Split), Conservation of Roman Wall Painting Fragments from Issa: Research and Reconstruction of the Original Scheme
Benedikta Vilenica (Zagreb), Conservation and Restoration Work on the Transfer of the Early 20th C wall Painting by Osvaldo Bierti in the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Jastrebarsko
Jure Balić i Vinko Lipanović (Split), Conservation-restoration Works on the Two-light Window (Bifora) from the First Storey of the Papalić Palace (Split City Museum)
Silvana Di Ceglie i Katarina Prkačin (Dubrovnik), Restoration of a Neo Baroque Chest of Drawers
Mia Perković, Katija Maškarić, Iva Carević i Dora Franetović (Dubrovnik), Papermaking: The History and the Technique
Karmen Milić (Split), Effects of Abrasive Blast Cleaning Media on Non-Ferrous Surfaces
Ivan Gnjec (Dubrovnik), Conservation and Restoration Procedures on Magnate Jewellery of Rudolf Normann von Ehrenfels
Paulina Wegrzyn (Cracow), Dealing with a Cradled Panel Painting
Barbara Dragan (Ljubljana), Problems Associated with the Cleaning of "Unvarnished" Paintings
Nives Slemenšek (Ljubljana), Marij Pregelj Up-close
Nikolina Lovrić (Split), Wall Paintings in Churches in the Territory of Poljica
Ivana Dragozet i Lara Jurki (Zagreb), Transfer of a Fragment of Painted Frieze from the Moise Palace at Cres
Ewa Szarłata and Paulina Węgrzyn (Cracow), Conservation of a Detached Anti-nazi and Anti-fascist Mixed-media Installation
Martin Zohil (Split), Conservation-Restoration Works on a Flavius Valens Sarcophagus from Salona
Tamara Kaličanin i Marita Marković (Split), Role of the Archaeological Conservator in Excavations. The Examples of Good Practice
Karmen Đanić, Valnea Gjivić, Barbara Butigan i Domenika Krasan (Dubrovnik), Methods Used in Restoration of Flood Damaged Paper Objects
Paulina Węgrzyn (Cracow), Restoration of a Polychrome Wooden Cabinet with Oak Graining Imitation
Ante Pereza (Zagreb), Applied Art of Intarsia
Ira Fabrio i Antonia Kunjašić (Dubrovnik), Elecrolytic Cleaning and Silvering
Sara Vladić (Dubrovnik), Story Behind the 16th Century Damask Fragment from the Island of Lopud
Ivan Goldin (Zagreb), Photodocumentation of Cultural heritage (Objects): Tips on Studio and On Site (in situ) Approaches
Erica Sartori (Ljubljana), Applied Brocade. Art Technology and Conservation-Restoration
Justyna Kędziora (Cracow), Use of Combined Physical and Chemical Examination of a Panel Painting for Decision-making Purposes: Retouching Removal
Ivana Guljelmović, Patricia Prevarek, Ana Sokač i Anamaria Udovičić (Zagreb), Varnish Preparation and Application on Easel Paintings
Tijana Mihailović i Milica Terzić (Belgrade), Conservation and Restoration of the Seoba Srba Chromolithograph by Paja Jovanović
Urška Lončar i Monika Zobec (Ljubljana), Development of New Mosaic Tesserae for Artists and Conservators-Restorers
Click here to learn more about the Conference. (The text is available in English.)
Compiled by Sagita Mirjam Sunara (Department of Conservation-Restoration, Arts Academy of the University of Split) / Updated: February 27, 2019