Recordings of the lectures posted to the Conference YouTube channel
- Post 29 October 2021
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 932
The International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies YouTube channel can be accessed here.
Video recordings of the lectures delivered at the 17th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies (with English subtitles) are being posted both to YouTube and on this website (section 'Papers').
'Zvonimir Wyroubal' Prize winners announced
- Post 23 October 2021
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 1136
At the 17th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies, the "Zvonimir Wyroubal" Prize was awarded in three categories: the best oral presentation, the most interesting oral presentation, and the best poster. The winners were selected through online voting which was open to all conference participants.
The winners of the "Zvonimir Wyrubal" Prize are:
- Lara Skukan and Ana Sterle — the best oral presentation / "Degradation of the outdoor wooden sculptures from Forma Viva Park in Kostanjevica: Documentation on a case study and conservation guidelines"
- Rachel Childers — the most interesting oral presentation / "Lady in Blue: Investigation of blanching through varnish application on a 16th century portrait"
- Sara Stevanović — the best poster / "Technical study of a late 19th century credenza"
We congratulate the winners for their achievement!
Archetype Publications discount for conference participants
- Post 18 October 2021
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 1041
Archetype Publications Ltd., one of the main publishers in the field of conservation of art as well as the art history, is one of the sponsors of the 17th International Conference of Conservation Restoration Studies. Archetype offers all conference participants a 25% discount (excludes shipping costs and any taxes) on all Archetype current titles (subject to availability) when ordering through their website and using the discount code CROATIA2021 and paying with a credit card or via Pay Pal.
We are very grateful to Mr James Black, Archetype's director, for supporting our conference since 2014.
Book of Abstracts is now available
- Post 18 October 2021
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 1003
The 17th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies Book of Abstracts is now available:
Quick Guide for Conference Participants
- Post 17 October 2021
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 1076
The Student Organizing Committe of the 17th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration studies has prepared a quick guide for conference participants. The document contains links to join Zoom sessions for each day, as well as links to evaluation/voting forms for the Zvonimir Wyroubal Prize.
Conference programme is released
- Post 10 October 2021
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 868
The detailed programme of the 17th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies has been released! The programme is available on this website (hover over the 'Programme' section in the main menu). It can also be downloaded here: Conference Programme.pdf1.11 MB
The conference will be held from October 20th to October 22nd 2021 (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday). It will take place on the Zoom platform. The link(s) for the online event(s) will be posted before the conference.
The conference extended to three days: 20 – 22 October, 2021
- Post 08 October 2021
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 876
Due to the high number of submissions received, the 17th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies has been extended to three days. The conference will take place 20 – 22 October, 2021 (Wednesday – Friday).
The conference will be held entirely online, on the Zoom platform. Links for access to Zoom events will be posted in the section 'Programme'. Registration will not be required.
Participation of students who are not in their final year of study
- Post 09 June 2021
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 1475
The practice so far has shown that the presentations at the conference are mostly delivered by final year students who focus on their thesis, and present the work on an object or part of their research. Because of this, students who are at an earlier stage of their study, and who may not have yet begun 'concrete' work on objects, often mistakenly think they do not have a sufficiently interesting topic to present at a conference. We would like to remind all students that the purpose of the conference is to exchange knowledge and experiences that are not necessarily related to the physical work on the object.
For all students who are NOT at their final year of study, and who would like to present at the Conference but may not be sure which topic to choose, we have prepared a list of topics that they can process and present (in a talk or as a poster). The list serves to make it easier for the students to choose a topic, but they can still come up with and process a topic that interests them, which may not be included in this list.
Read more: Participation of students who are not in their final year of study
16th Conference in pictures
- Post 27 April 2019
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 1310
Interested in seeing the photographs from the 16th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies? Visit the Facebook page of the Conservation-Restoration Department of the Arts Academy in Split:
- Dubrovnik conference, Day 1 (April 11, 2019) (photo: Sagita Mirjam Sunara)
- Dubrovnik conference, Day 2 (April 12, 2019) (photo: Sagita Mirjam Sunara)
- Dubrovnik conference, Day 3 (April 13, 2019) (photo: Sagita Mirjam Sunara)
Additional photographs can be found on the University of Dubrovnik Facebook page:
- Photographs (click on the arrow on the right-hand side of the photo to view the entire album)
The University of Dubrovnik posts an article about the conference
- Post 27 April 2019
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 1334
The University of Dubrovnik posted a short article about the 16th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies on its website.
16. Međunarodna konferencija studija konzervacije-restauracije (objavljeno 17. 4. 2019.)222.97 KB
Dobitnici Nagrade "Zvonimir Wyroubal" (Dubrovnik, 2019.)
- Post 17 April 2019
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 1593
16. Međunarodna konferencija studija konzervacije-restauracije završila je dodjelom Nagrade "Zvonimir Wyroubal".
Nagrada za najbolje predavanje pripala je Erici Sartori (Ljubljana) koja je prezentirala interdisciplinarni pristup istraživanju povijesti polikromiranog drvenog relikvijara iz Nacionalne galerije Slovenije.
Nagrada za najbolju Power Point prezentaciju pripala je Ani Sterle (Ljubljana) za predavanje o estetskoj prezentaciji preslikane barokne slike Marka Layera Mater Dolorosa.
Luka Krešimir Stipić i Andrea Šafran (Zagreb) dobili su nagradu za najbolji poster ("Detective Work of Conservators and Restorers").
Čestitke studentima i njihovim mentorima!
Full papers from last year's conference now available
- Post 08 April 2019
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 1061
The papers presented at the 15th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies (Split, April 26 – 28, 2018) are now available under the Papers section of the website. Thank you to all authors!
Review of the 2018 conference
- Post 08 April 2019
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 1276
Students of the Conservation-Restoration Department of the Arts Academy in Split have published three articles concerning the 15th International Conference of the Conservation-Restoration Studies on the weblog Stažiranje među umjetninama (Internship Among Artworks):
- Jelena Hudinčec, "15. Međunarodna konferencija studija konzervacije-restauracije, dan prvi" (published on July 27, 2018)
- Nikolina Drlje, "15. Međunarodna konferencija studija konzervacije-restauracije, dan drugi" (published on July 30, 2018)
- Faris Hadžihasanović, "15. Međunarodna konferencija studija konzervacije-restauracije, dan treći" (published on August 16, 2018)
Snižene cijene knjiga u izdanju Archetype Publications Ltd. iz Londona
- Post 14 March 2019
- By Lovro Ladic
- In Novosti
- Hits: 2000
Kao i proteklih godina, Archetype Publications Limited jedan je od sponzora Međunarodne konferencija studija konzervacije-restauracije. Oni su se od 1987. godine proširili u jednu od vodećih izdavača na područjima restauracije umjetnina i starina te povijesti umjetnosti. Mnogi njihovi naslovi zbornici su radova o specifičnim temama, objavljeni u suradnji s Ujedinjenim Kraljevstvom/ Međunarodnim muzejima, galerijama, sveučilištima, restauratorskim udruženjima... Ostali su naslovi monografije stručnjaka za određena područja.
Sudionici i institucije na studentskoj konferenciji u Dubrovniku mogu unaprijed kupiti bilo koji* naslov Archetype po posebnoj cijeni. Odabir naslova s pripadajućim sniženim cijenama nalazi se u OBRASCU ZA NARUDŽBU. Na Konferenciji će biti izložen sužen izbor knjiga.
Read more: Snižene cijene knjiga u izdanju Archetype Publications Ltd. iz Londona
Fotografije na Facebooku
- Post 09 June 2018
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 2114
Na Facebook stranici Odsjeka za konzervaciju-restauraciju Umjetničke akademije Sveučilišta u Splitu objavljena su tri albuma s fotografijama snimljenim na 15. Međunarodnoj konferenciji studija konzervacije-restauracije:
Prezentacija knjige "The Conservation of Sculpture Parks" i projekta CAPuS
- Post 31 May 2018
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 2089
U okviru 15. Međunarodne konferencije studija konzervacije-restauracije dr. sc. Sagita Mirjam Sunara s Odsjeka za konzervaciju-restauraciju Umjetničke akademije u Splitu predstavila je svoju (su)uredničku knjigu The Conservation of Sculpture Parks koja je iz tiska izašla krajem ožujka 2018. Sudionici konferencije knjigu su mogli pogledati na štandu izdavačke kuće Archetype Publications Ltd. Riječ je o zborniku radova međunarodne znanstveno-stručne konferencije koju je Sunara organizirala 2015. godine u Sisku (SPark: Conservation of Sculpture Parks). Knjiga se može naručiti preko Archetypeove web-stranice (poveznica).
Sunara je na konferenciji predstavila i međunarodni znanstveno-istraživački i edukativni projekt The Conservation of Art in Public Spaces (CAPuS) posvećen zaštiti i očuvanju umjetničkih djela u javnome prostoru (skulpture, murali, umjetničke instalacije...). Milijun eura vrijedan projekt započeo je u siječnju 2018., a trajat će tri godine. U njemu sudjeluju tri hrvatske ustanove: Sveučilište u Splitu, Gradski muzej Sisak i Centar za istraživanje materijala METRIS. Sunara je voditeljica hrvatskog projektnog tima, a sve aktivnosti hrvatskih partnera usmjerene su na Park skulptura Željezare Sisak. Novosti o projektu CAPuS mogu se pratiti na Facebook stranici CAPuS project. Više o aktivnostima hrvatskih partnera možete pročitati ovdje.
I knjiga i projekt proizašli su iz konzervatorsko-restauratorskih radionica koje Sunara od 2012. godine organizira u sisačkome parku skulptura. Sudionici radionica o svome radu redovito izvještavaju na blogu.
Dobitnici Nagrade "Zvonimir Wyroubal" (Split, 2018.)
- Post 10 May 2018
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 1633
Barbara Dragan iz Ljubljane osvojila je nagradu za najbolje usmeno izlaganje. Nagrađeno predavanje naslovljeno je "Problems Associated with the Cleaning of 'Unvarnished' Paintings" (mentorica: mr. art. Lucija Močnik Ramovš, izv. prof. art.).
Nagrada za najbolju prezentaciju otišla je u Dubrovnik: Mia Perković, Katija Maškarić, Iva Carević i Dora Franetović nagrađene su za prezentaciju kojom su popratile predavanje "Papermaking: The History and the Technique" (mentorica: Sanja Serhatlić, vanjska suradnica).
Nagrada za najbolji poster pripala je dvjema studenticama iz Beograda, Tijani Mihailović i Milici Terzić. Nagrađeni poster naslovljen je "Conservation and Restoration of the Seoba Srba Chromolithograph by Paja Jovanović" (mentorica: Tijana Lazić, doc. art.).
Plaketu Nagrade izradio je Filip Rogošić s Odsjeka za konzervaciju-restauraciju Umjetničke akademije u Splitu, voditelj specijalističkog usmjerenja konzervacija-restauracija metala.
Organizatori su osigurali poklon-pakete s knjigama za nagrađene studente, ali i za sve institucije s kojih dolaze sudionici ovogodišnje konferencije.
Hvala sudionicima 15. Međunarodne konferencije studija konzervacije-restauracije!
- Post 10 May 2018
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 1365
Umjetnička akademija Sveučilišta u Splitu, Odsjek za konzervaciju-restauraciju, zahvaljuje svim sudionicima 15. Međunarodne konferencije studija konzervacije-restauracije, osobito studentima koji su držali usmena izlaganja i prezentirali postere te njihovim mentorima.
Hvala sponzorima 15. Međunarodne konferencije studija konzervacije-restauracije!
- Post 10 May 2018
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 1405
Umjetnička akademija Sveučilišta u Splitu, Odsjek za konzervaciju-restauraciju, zahvaljuje svim tvrtkama i javnim ustanovama koji su financijskim donacijama ili donacijama u obliku proizvoda poduprli 15. Međunarodnu konferenciju studija konzervacije-restauracije.
To su (abecednim redoslijedom): Archetype Publications Ltd., Arheološki muzej u Splitu, Coca-Cola, Crescat d.o.o., eLaboro d.o.o., Etnografski muzej Split, Franck, Galerija umjetnina Split, Hrvatski pomorski muzej Split, Institut za povijest umjetnosti, Jamnica, Juriček, Kvinar j.d.o.o., Muzej grada Splita, Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika, Muzeji Ivana Meštrovića, Neir d.o.o., OTP Splitska banka, Turistička zajednica Grada Splita, Studentski zbor Sveučilišta u Splitu i Sveučilišna knjižnica u Splitu.
Gostovanje na Radio Suncu
- Post 25 April 2018
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 1400
Dr. sc. Sagita Mirjam Sunara, doc. art., članica Organizacijskog odbora 15. Međunarodne konferencije studija konzervacije-restauracije, Marija Lena Bošković, studentica 5. godine konzervacije-restauracije, i Jure Balić, student 4. godine konzervacije-restauracije, gostovali su 24. travnja 2018. na Radio Suncu. S novinarkom i voditeljicom Andreom Viđak razgovarali su o programu konferencije i splitskom studiju konzervacije-restauracije.
Download the Book of Abstracts!
- Post 22 April 2018
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Novosti
- Hits: 1787
Download the Book of Abstracts of the 15th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies:
More Articles...
- Conference announcement on the European Year of Cultural Heritage website
- European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 (EYCH) label
- Free admission at a number of museums and galleries
- Conference bags
- Poster of the 15th International Conference of Conservation-Restoration Studies
- Top conservation-restoration literature at reduced prices!
- Review of the 2017 conference
- "Zvonimir Wyroubal" Prize Winners (Zagreb, 2017)
- Portal reports on the 2017 conference
- Promoting the 2017 conference on radio