Seven altars from the church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary from in Sutivan on the island of Brač
- Post 17 Listopad 2021
- By Ira Fabrio
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 1084
Authors: Jana Siriščević, Rina Dubravec, Luciana Gugić and Dominika Bilač
Mentors: Siniša Bizjak, Assistant Professor; Ivo Donelli, Professor
University of Split, Arts Academy, Department of Conservation-Restoration (Croatia)
Study programme: Integrated undergraduate and graduate course of study in conservation-restoration
Specialization: Stone (5th year of study)
The poster contains an overview of the seven altars which are located in the church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the 16th century in Sutivan on the island of Brač. The church is situated on the north side of the island near the sea which caused damage on the altars due to harmful soluble salts and dust that were brought by the northern wind. The condition and damage of the altars are similar to each other, such as for example, the scattering of stone due to the presence of salt, missing parts of marquetry, separation of architectural parts, and filth are visible on each.
Click here to view the poster. (PDF)
Making a copy of a pair of shoes from the Ethnographic Museum in Dubrovnik
- Post 17 Listopad 2021
- By Ira Fabrio
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 1110
Author: Sara Vladić
Mentor: Danijela Jemo, PhD, Assistant Professor
Art and Restoration Department, University of Dubrovnik (Croatia)
Study programme: Second-Cycle Master's Programme of Conservation-Restoration
Specialization: Conservation-restoration of textiles (graduated 2020/2021)
This poster presents how the sewing pattern was made for a pair of unique shoes from the collection of the Ethnographic Museum in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The sewing pattern was used to make a replica of the original pair of shoes.
Click here to view the poster. (PDF)
Opširnije:Making a copy of a pair of shoes from the Ethnographic Museum in Dubrovnik
History written in pictures. Conservation-restoration of oil paintings by the artist Wacław Piotrowski
- Post 16 Listopad 2021
- By Ira Fabrio
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 1021
Authors: Joanna Dziduch and Monika Zawadzka
Mentor: Joanna Czernichowska, MA, Professor
Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art (Poland)
Study programme: Integrated undergraduate and graduate course of study in conservation-restoration
Specialization: Conservation-restoration of paintings and polychrome sculpture (5th year of study and 6th year of study)
The poster presents two paintings by the Polish painter Wacław Piotrowski. The history of the paintings is related to the history of the city of Warsaw. The paintings were created from 1912 to 1915. They were badly damaged during World War II and underwent conservation-restoration 75 years later, at the Faculty of Conservation-Restoration of the Fine Arts Academy in Warsaw. The main conservation-restoration problem were extensive losses in the canvas and paint layer, which required a lot of retouching. The treatment aimed at stopping the deterioration of the paintings, stabilizing the material of the works and restoring the aesthetic values, which had been lost over the years.
Click here to view the poster. (PDF)
Removal of graffiti from cultural monuments
- Post 15 Listopad 2021
- By Ira Fabrio
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 1232
Author: Ema Bonomi
Mentor: Siniša Bizjak, Assistant Professor
University of Split, Arts Academy, Department of Conservation-Restoration (Croatia)
Study programme: Integrated undergraduate and graduate course of study in conservation-restoration
Specialization: Conservation-restoration of stone (5th year of study)
The poster is divided into three parts. The first part describes the properties of materials that are most often contaminated with graffiti. The emphasis in the research was on carbonate stone because it is the most common material contaminated with graffiti. In the second part, a test was performed in which spray paint samples were exposed to UV radiation using a UV lamp. Expectation was that the bonds within the paint molecule would begin to break, and that the paint would be easier to remove. After UV exposure, the samples were recorded using FT-IR. The images showed the breaking of intermolecular bonds and partial change of colour, but the time interval of this method was not satisfactory. In the third part, tests for cleaning graffiti-contaminated stone were conducted, using available means of commercial coating-removal gels. Most of the tests were carried out on a stone of local origin. They were also executed on plaster. The obtained results could be applied by experts in order to shorten the time when selecting a suitable agent. Also, they can be used when choosing the correct method of agent’s application, the duration of the process, the method of cleaning, and in the selection according to financial affordability.
Click here to view the poster. (PDF)
Plastic supports in photography. Development of an online reference manual
- Post 14 Listopad 2021
- By Ira Fabrio
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 1373
Author: Elena De La Rosa Regot
Mentors: Mayte Pastor Valls, Guest Professor; Rosina Herrera Garrido, Guest Professor
Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Spain)
Study programme: Master in Diagnosis of the State of Preservation of the Historical Heritage
Specialization: Conservation-restoration of photographic objects (graduated in 2019/2020)
Plastic is one of the materials most widely used as photographic support, together with paper and glass, although it is also one of the most obscure. This research project offers an extensive introduction to the different plastics used as photographic support and addresses most of the key topics to properly get to know them: history, manufacture, properties, formats and photographic processes, identification, deterioration, restoration and conservation.
Click here to view the poster. (PDF)
Opširnije:Plastic supports in photography. Development of an online reference manual
Evolution of the Indo-Portuguese furniture and the manufacture of a typical chest
- Post 12 Listopad 2021
- By Ira Fabrio
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 1349
Author: Maja Bačić
Mentor: Joško Bogdanović, Teaching Assistant
Department of Art and Restoration, University of Dubrovnik (Croatia)
Study programme: Second-Cycle Master's Programme in Conservation-Restoration
Specialization: Conservation-restoration of wood (graduated 2019/2020)
This poster presents the analysis of the Indo-Portuguese furniture that appeared as a result of the two cultures merging during the Portuguese colonization of the Indian subcontinent. It shows the evolution of Indo-Portuguese furniture, as well as specific forms, materials, techniques, tools, and decorative motives used, focusing on the furniture used for storage i.e. chests. They are the result of a unique hybridism contained in Western models taken to the East (used as prototypes) and native chests (mostly from Goa and Gujaratis) with their exotic materials, local techniques, and Indian aesthetics. The making of a chest with the typical form and decoration is also presented.
Click here to view the poster. (PDF)
Opširnije:Evolution of the Indo-Portuguese furniture and the manufacture of a typical chest
Three museums, two earthquakes: The experience of three Zagreb museums in the salvage of earthquake-damaged collections
- Post 12 Listopad 2021
- By Ira Fabrio
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 1336
Author: Iva Senta
Mentor: Sagita Mirjam Sunara, PhD, Associate Professor
University of Split, Arts Academy, Department of Conservation-Restoration (Croatia)
Study programme: Intergrated undergraduate and graduate program of study in conservation-restoration
Specialization: Easel paintings and Polychrome wood (3rd year of study)
In the early morning hours of March 22, 2020, a powerful earthquake hit Zagreb, Croatia’s capital, causing severe damage to a number of museums. On December 29, 2020 an even stronger earthquake hit Petrinja and Sisak area, which is around 50 kilometres southeast of Zagreb. Second-year conservation-restoration students of the Arts Academy in Split attended an online event in January 2021, in which three museum professionals from Zagreb talked about the damages that their museum buildings and collections suffered during the March 2020 earthquake, the salvage operations that followed, and the plans for the long-term recovery of their institutions. The speakers represented the Zagreb Museum of Arts and Crafts, the Glyptotheque of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb. The talks were organised as part of the course Written documentation and communication skills in conservation-restoration. This poster gives a brief overview of the information presented, and explains what conservation-restoration students can learn from such experiences.
Click here to view the poster. (PDF)
Conservation-restoration works on the angel from the parish church of the Holy Cross in Rasinja and new gilding technologies in the conservation-restoration profession
- Post 11 Listopad 2021
- By Ira Fabrio
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 1166
Author: Hana Knežević
Mentor: Ana Božičević, MA, Assistant Professor
Department for Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Academy of Fine Arts, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Study programme: Integrated undergraduate and graduate course of study in conservation-restoration
Specialization: Conservation-restoration of sculptures (graduated 2020/2021)
The poster represents an overview of the conservation-restoration works carried out on a wooden polychrome sculpture of the left Angel Adorer from the parish church of the Holy Cross in Rasinja. The sculpture was located on the main altar alongside the right Angel Adorer. Prior to being delivered to the workshop both sculptures were subjected to gamma radiation at the Institute of Ruđer Bošković in Zagreb. After a thorough inspection and documentation of the initial state, surface dirt was removed from the sculptures surface. The investigative work proved the existence of several later added layers which resulted in poor readability of sculptural work. Other procedures performed on the sculpture include:the making of detailed written, graphic and photographic documentation, gluing, consolidating wooden carrier, sampling for analysis, making probes, removing additional layers, reconstructing missing parts of carrier, restoring all stratigraphic layers and applying a protective layer.
The conservation-restoration work was followed by research which consisted of comparing selected traditional and modern gilding technologies on wooden polychrome sculptures.
Click here to view the poster. (PDF)
Dyeing of a new silk fabric: choosing the appropriate color tone that matches damaged historical textile
- Post 10 Listopad 2021
- By Ira Fabrio
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 1261
Author: Sara Šimetić
Mentors: Danijela Jemo, PhD, Assistant Professor; Mateo Miguel Kodrič Kesovia, Research Assistant
Art and Restoration Department, University of Dubrovnik (Croatia)
Study programme: Second-Cycle Master’s Programme of Study in Conservation-Restoration
Specialization: Conservation-restoration of textiles (2nd year of study)
The poster presents the process of dyeing a new silk support that will be used to reinforce and secure damaged areas on a 19th century chasuble. The original historic fabric consists of red silk warp and purple cotton weft which represents a special challenge in finding the suitable colour tone for the new support fabric. Various recipes for dyeing had to be tested and the whole process was documented in detail so that the same results can be achieved when dyeing a larger quantity of fabric. After the completion of the conservation-restoration treatment, the object will become a didactic example of various methods used within the textile conservation-restoration specialization.
Click here to view the poster. (PDF)
From skin to leather, from leather to saddle
- Post 09 Listopad 2021
- By Ira Fabrio
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 1361
Author: Ema Thür
Mentors: Sanja Serhatlić, Assistant Professor; Tea Borovina, MA, Expert Associate
Department of Art and Restoration, University of Dubrovnik (Croatia)
Study programme: Second-Cycle Master’s Programme of Study in Conservation-Restoration
Specialization: Conservation-restoration of paper (graduated in 2020/2021)
Due to its easy availability, leather is a common material of various artefacts, both for utilitarian and aesthetic purposes. As a material, it is extremely flexible, elastic, but strong and pliable due to its collagen structure. Accordingly, the way of tanning, processing and decorating it differs greatly. Therefore, it is crucial to know the used materials and tools because these factors affect collagen structure, sometimes significantly changing its properties. The importance and influence of literature research, preliminary testing of material, selection of conservation and restoration methods and selection of microclimatic storage conditions are explained for the example of conservation and restoration treatment of a leather saddle.
Click here to view the poster. (PDF)
Technical study of a late 19th century credenza
- Post 08 Listopad 2021
- By Ira Fabrio
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 1656
Author: Sara Stevanović
Mentors: Joško Bogdanović, Teaching Assistant; Alma Dilberović, Teaching and Research Associate
Department of Art and Restoration, University of Dubrovnik (Croatia)
Study programme: Second-Cycle Master's Programme of Study in Conservation-Restoration
Specialization: Conservation-restoration of wood (graduated in 2020/2021)
This poster presents the study of a piece of historicist furniture owned by the Department of Art and Restoration, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia. The study included, among other things, visual analysis and detailed technical drawings of structural and aesthetic solutions used in the production of late 19th century historicistic furniture. This specific piece of neo-renaissance credenza is used to make its technical, aesthetical, and material identification card as a typical representative of late 19th century mass-produced furniture piece.
Click here to view the poster. (PDF)
- Post 10 Travanj 2019
- By Lovro Ladic
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 1334
Conservation and Restoration Works on the Antique Marble Sculpture of an Empress from the Archaeological Museum in Zadar
- Post 10 Travanj 2019
- By Lovro Ladic
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 955
Authors: Ana-Marija Lučić and Ema Bonomi
Mentors: Siniša Bizjak, Assistant Professor; Ivo Donelli, Full Professor
Department of Conservation-Restoration, Arts Academy of the University of Split (Croatia)
Study programme: Integrated undergraduate and graduate course of study in conservation-restoration
Specialization: Stone (4th year of study)
The poster contains an overview of the conservation-restoration works carried out on an antique Roman sculpture of an empress from the Archaeological Museum in Zadar. The treatment described on the poster includes laboratory analysis for the presence of soluble salts, UV light review, the usage of a variety of cleaning techniques, removal of fillings, vacuum consolidation and retouching. All of the conservation and restoration treatments were carried out in the Conservation-Restoration department for Stone of the Arts Academy in Split.
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Short biography
ANA-MARIJA LUČIĆ was born in Menziken, Switzerland on March 22, 1997. She attended the Secondary School of Fine Arts in Split as a graphic designer. She enrolled into the Conservation-Restoration Department of the Arts Academy, Split in 2015, where she is currently getting her MA in stone conservation. She has participated in several conservation-restoration projects and spent the third year in the workshop for stone conservation in The Museum of Croatian Archeological Monuments in Split. Now she is attending as a fourth-year student.
EMA BONOMI was born in Split, Croatia on February 3, 1996. She attended the Secondary School of Fine Arts in Split as a fashion designer. She enrolled into the Conservation-Restoration Department of the Arts Academy in Split in 2015, where she is currently getting her MA in stone conservation. She has participated in several conservation-restoration projects and spent the third year in the workshop for stone conservation in The Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments in Split. Now she is attending as a fourth-year student.
Click here to view the poster. (PDF)
Conservation and Restoration of Three Marble Segments from the Throne of Metropolitan Silvester
- Post 10 Travanj 2019
- By Lovro Ladic
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 926
Author: Nina Mirković
Mentor: Mina Jović MA, Assistant Professor
Department of Conservation and Restoration, Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade (Serbia)
Study programme: Conservation and Restoration
Specialization: Sculptures and Archaeological Objects (4th year of study)
Three marble segments of the Throne of Metropolitan Silvester are part of Post-Byzantine Art Collection at the National Museum of Serbia under curator Branka Ivanić MA, who is the museum adviser. The Throne was founded at the Relja's Gradina cite, near the monastery of Saint Varvara and dates from the XVI/XVII century. The segments were found covered with calcification deposits and impurities that penetrate into the objects. Technical drawings, photo documentation and photographs with a USB camera of the segments' damages were made. The segments have not been published and are currently being processed by archaeologists for positioning into the Throne. After all segments were dry cleaned, chemical cleaning with different solutions was conducted, depending on the type of impurities. Removal of calcification was conducted with an ultrasonic scaler, mechanically. The restoration was implemented on one segment, where missing parties emerged after reassembling three fragments. The restoration was completed with color blending in relation to the original. Documentation of the entire conservation and restoration process was submitted to the National Museum of Belgrade, along with the object.
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Short biography
NINA MIRKOVIĆ was born in Belgrade on October 9th, 1995. She finished the School for Design, after which she enrolled at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade in the Department of Conservation and Restoration of Sculptures and Archaeological Objects. She volunteered at the Institute of Nautical Archaeology in Turkey and in the National Museum of Serbia. After graduation, she plans to enrol in Master's Studies of Conservation. She aspires to acquire more experience to improve her professional skills.
Click here to view the poster. (PDF)
Influence of Organic Materials on the Corrosion of Metals
- Post 10 Travanj 2019
- By Lovro Ladic
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 745
Author: Vana Ribarović
Mentor: Filip Rogošić, Senior Lecturer; Ivica Ljubenkov, PhD, Assistant Professor
Department of Conservation-Restoration, Arts Academy of the University of Split (Croatia)
Study programme: Integrated undergraduate and graduate course of study in conservation-restoration
Specialization: Metal (graduated in 2018)
A great number of artifacts that can be found in museum collections are composite objects made of different materials which release harmful chemical compounds, which can cause them mutual damage. One such example is firelocks (pistols) that were mainly made of metal, with wooden and leather parts. It is well known that wood, as it decays, emits volatile organic acids (acetic acid and formic acid), while leather releases non-volatile organic acids (free fatty acids). Both types of acids cause corrosion. The aim of this test was to learn to what extent organic materials (wood and leather) increase corrosion rates of metals, at certain values of relative humidity. Their impact on metalwork corrosion was measured at three different RH values, based on the assumption that the rates of corrosion of metal samples placed in microclimatic conditions with higher RH would be higher.
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Short biography
VANA RIBAROVIĆ was born in Split. She enrolled in the Conservation-Restoration Department of the Arts Academy in Split in 2013, and gained a master's degree in February 2018. The subject of her master's degree thesis was "The influence of microclimatic conditions on the preservation of metal objects".
Click here to view the poster. (PDF)
Detective Work of Conservators and Restorers
- Post 10 Travanj 2019
- By Lovro Ladic
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 726
Authors: Luka Krešimir Stipić and Andrea Šafran
Mentor: Zvjezdana Jembrih, Associate Professor; Ida Blažičko PhD, Assistant Professor
Department for Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Academy of Fine Arts, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Study programme: Integrated undergraduate and graduate course of study in conservation-restoration
Specialization: Sculpture (4th year of study)
In the storeroom of the Diocesan Museum of the Zagreb Archdiocese, we found a wooden sculpture in a very bad condition, with no head or limbs, with minimal remains of polychromy and gilding. At this point, we had no documented data about it. The structure of the wood was exceptionally crumbly, so it was necessary to start with consolidation and other preliminary work on it. Continuing our research, we found a pit on the thorax, which implied that the sculpture was that of Christ. Later, we stumbled upon a picture of a wooden relief depicting the scene of "Blessing of the Virgin Mary", from the Chapel of St. James in Očura, which was said to be lost. Our sculpture of Christ seemed to match the Christ figure that was on the relief. After some time, in a storeroom in Marija Bistrica, we found a wooden frame that matched the appearance of the wooden relief "Blessing of the Virgin Mary". Soon the conservation and restoration work started on the frame, considering its bad condition. Stabilization of both parts of the relief is still in process. The story of this relief tells us that the job of conservator-restorer is often a job similar to that of a detective. The future of the relief is to hopefully find more missing parts and to be returned to its original place in the Očura chapel.
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Short biography
LUKA KREŠIMIR STIPIĆ was born in Zagreb on May 5th, 1994. He finished the School of Applied Arts and Design in Zagreb, at the Department of Sculpture. He is a 4th-year student at the Department of Conservation and Restoration of Art of the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, specializing in sculpture. He organized and exhibited his work at many exhibitions with the Young Sculptors of Zagreb group (which he is the founder of).
ANDREA ŠAFRAN was born in Zagreb, October 21st, 1995. She finished the School of Applied Arts and Design in Zagreb, at the department of Interior Design. She is a 4th year student at the Department of Conservation and Restoration of Art of the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, specializing in sculpture. She attended the ISA (International Summer Seminar for Young Academics) – student practice in Orlamünde, Germany, in 2018. She spent the winter semester of 2018/19 academic year in Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow as a part of the Erasmus student exchange.
Click here to view the poster. (PDF)
Conservation and Restoration of St. Nicholas Icon
- Post 10 Travanj 2019
- By Lovro Ladic
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 756
Authors: Viktor Šumaher
Co-author Tijana Lazić, MA, Assistant Professor
Mentor: Mina Jović, Assistant Professor
Department of Conservation and Restoration, Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade (Serbia)
Study program: Conservation and Restoration
Specialization: Sculptures and Archeological Objects (1st year of Master's programme)
The poster represents the conservation and restoration of the St. Nicholas icon from a private collection, which is believed to be Russian. The press on copper sheet technique is used for oklad, a portrait with the hands of St. Nicolas, in colour graphics. Copper oklad is a functional object used to cover painted layers on an icon. It can also be used as a protective layer preventing darkening caused by burning candles and wax dripping. The wooden panel on the back is used as support for the icon. The process of restoration and conservation of copper sheets and wooden panels is presented on the poster, whereas conservation and restoration of colour graphics were performed by Professor Assistant MA Tijana Lazic. Existing reliable sources have been used to single out the best conservation treatment methods. In consultation with the mentor and other assistants on this project, all selected methods mentioned in the text above have been systematically tried out and tested. Some segments have been mechanically cleaned, but with previous application of solvent, the intent is to soften or remove surface filth. Chemical cleanings have been performed using suggested treatments specialized for the material we have been treating. Considering that the thickness of the copper sheet is 0.2 mm, the restoration process of missing pieces was most demanding both in the selection of treatments and in completion. The wooden panel had a full-length vertical crack, whereas the copper sheet had multiple bent areas and multiple tiny missing pieces.
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Short biography
VIKTOR ŠUMAHER was born in Šabac on June 13th, 1995. As a child, he expressed strong interest in arts and after he had finished primary school, he enrolled in the School of Applied Arts in Šabac. As a high-school student, he has participated in multiple solo and group exhibitions. After finishing his Bachelor studies in the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade in the Department of Conservation and Restoration of Sculptures and Archaeological Objects in 2018, he enrolled in the Masters studies of the same faculty. In 2018 he participated in conservation and restoration colony "Staro selo" in Sirogojno.
Click here to view the poster. (PDF)
Wood identification of two polychromed baroque candle holders by using and analysing the cross-section of the wooden support
- Post 10 Travanj 2019
- By Lovro Ladic
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 848
Authors: Leona Džaja, Andrea Lacković, Leonarda Miletić, Nađa Tomašević and Lucija Vrdoljak
Mentor: Larisa Aranza, Associate Professor
Department of Conservation-Restoration, Arts Academy of the University of Split (Croatia)
Study programme: Integrated undergraduate and graduate course of study in conservation-restoration
Specialization: Easel paintings and Polychrome wood (3rd year of study)
Two wooden, polychromed and gilded candlesticks were taken to the restoration treatment in the Department for Conservation-Restoration, in a specialized workshop for easel paintings and polychromed wood. It is assumed that candlesticks were manufactured in the same local workshop but the candlesticks' wood condition differs significantly. The wood of candlestick nr.098 shows no signs of decay caused by wood-destroying insects while candlestick nr. 094 has highly damaged wood in the lower part of the object. Given that they are stored under the same humidity and temperature conditions, it is assumed that damage is caused by the selection of different types of wood. The identification of wood species was made by analysing transversely cross-sections under a microscope with the help of the Key for wood determination. It was concluded that damaged candlestick nr. 094 was made of softwood and other was made of hardwood. Based on the size of insects exit holes and faeces, it was possible to determine insect species.
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Short biography
NAĐA TOMAŠEVIĆ was born in Split on March 13th, 1998. She finished 1st Grammar School in Split.
ANDREA LACKOVIĆ was born in Osijek on August 7th, 1997. She finished The School For Applied Arts and Design in Osijek.
LUCIJA VRDOLJAK was born in Split on August 31st, 1996. She finished The School for Design, Graphics and Sustainable Construction.
LEONA DŽAJA was born in Livno on October 13th, 1990. She has a bachelor's degree in Art.
LEONARDA MILETIĆ was born in Zadar on November 13th, 1997. She finished "Grammar School Vladimir Nazor" in Zadar.
They are all 3rd-year students at the Department of Conservation and Restoration of Art Academy in Split.
Click here to view the poster. (PDF)
Oleographs: Retouching
- Post 10 Travanj 2019
- By Lovro Ladic
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 1071
Authors: Paula Cvjetković, Lucija Fišter, Dora Ljubica, Helena Mozara and Jovana Vučetić
Mentor: Sanja Serhatlić, Assistant Professor
Art and Restoration Department, University of Dubrovnik (Croatia)
Study programme: Second-Cycle Master's Programme of Study in Conservation-Restoration
Specialization: Paper (1st year of study)
This poster will present the application of retouching techniques in general and explain what are the important effects on the overall appearance of the work of art and on its artistic value. The technique of producing oleographs will be described, as well as the specific materials used in the process of retouching.
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Short biography
PAULA CVJETKOVIĆ was born in Dubrovnik, May 27th 1994. She finished grammar school in Dubrovnik. She is a 1st year student at Masters Study Programme at the University of Dubrovnik.
LUCIJA FIŠTER was born in Zagreb, December 12th 1991. She finished School of Applied Art and Design in Zagreb. She graduated Academy of Fine Arts, Painting Department in Zagreb. She is now a 1st year student at Masters Study Programme at the University of Dubrovnik.
DORA LJUBICA was born in Split, June 18th 1997. She finished School for Design, Graphics and Sustainable Construction, Interior Design department in Split. She is a 1st year student at Masters Study Programme at the University of Dubrovnik.
HELENA MOZARA was born in Dubrovnik, March 11th 1996. She finished grammar school in Dubrovnik. She is a 1st year student at Masters Study Programme at the University of Dubrovnik.
JOVANA VUČETIĆ was born in Kotor, September 9th 1996. She finished grammar school in Herceg Novi. She is a 1st- year student at Masters Study Programme at the University of Dubrovnik.
Click here to view the poster. (PDF)
Conservation-Restoration of 19th Century Paintings from the Brdo Castle near Kranj
- Post 10 Travanj 2019
- By Lovro Ladic
- In Posteri
- Hitovi: 1090
Author: Lara Železnik
Mentor: Lucija Močnik Ramovš; MA, Associate Professor
Department of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Study programme: Second-Cycle Master's Study Programme Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art
Specialization: Paintings and Polychrome Sculpture (1st year of study)
The four paintings were presumably made in the 19th century by an unknown artist in the technique of oil on canvas. They are part of an extensive collection of works of art by Slovene artists intended to decorate rooms of the Brdo Castle, which holds protocol events of the Republic of Slovenia at the highest level.
Through conservation-restoration procedures on the paintings, we faced a series of problems and issues which made us rethink our work approach. At first sight, all four paintings had similar problems to address; deformation of the textile support and yellowed varnish with surface dirt. During conservation-restoration procedures, we discovered that the textile supports were highly sensitive to moisture. Any introduction of water, even in minimal quantity and shape, could lead to extreme shrinkage of canvas and considerable tent-shaped picture layers in the final phase. Consequently, the emphasis was placed on conservation-restoration treatments with a minimum usage of water.
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Short biography
LARA ŽELEZNIK was born in Maribor. She graduated at the Faculty of Education in Maribor in the Department of Fine Arts (2nd-degree program). She continued her studies at the Wood Technology School - Higher Vocational College; program Design of Materials – Wood. Now she is a 1st-year student of the Master's Study Programme Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design at the University of Ljubljana, specializing in Conservation/Restoration of Paintings and Polychrome Sculpture.
Click here to view the poster. (PDF)