Transfer of a Fragment of Painted Frieze from the Moise Palace at Cres

DRAGOZET JURKI posterAuthors: Ivana Dragozet and Lara Jurki
Mentors: Suzana Damiani, MA, Associate Professor; Neva Pološki, MA, Assistant Professor

Department for Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Academy of Fine Arts, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Study programme: Integrated undergraduate and graduate course of study in conservation-restoration
Specialization: Wall paintings (5th year of study)


The focus of the poster is on the transfer of a fragment of wall painting which was detached  from its original support (the wall), put on a new support, and installed in situ.  The fragment was discovered in 2015, in the Renaissance Moise palace at Cres. It is  part of a 16th century frieze, and was found underneath more recent layers of plaster. As the supporting wall was statically unstable and in danger of collapsing, it had to be demolished and replaced by a new one. This  meant that the painting, in order to be preserved, needed to be quickly detached. In 2016 the painting  was separated from the support using  stacco method, and  transferred to the Academy of Fine Arts, the Department of Conservation and Restoration of Artworks in Zagreb, where further work on the fragment was carried out by the 5th year students Lara Jurki and Ivana Dragozet. It included the treatment and preparation of the fragment for the new mount, its mounting on a movable support and  return to the its original place within the palace, but also  other  conservation and restoration actions indispensable for its new display.

Click here to view the poster. (PDF // 1.45 MB)

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Short biographies

IVANA DRAGOZET (Zagreb, 1993) started her studies at the Department of Conversation and Restoration of Works of Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts, Zagreb, in 2012. During her studies she has worked on a canvas painting depicting St. Francisco of Assisi by an unknown author (mentor: T. Ukrainčik, MA, Assoc. Prof.). She has also worked on two gilded wooden panels of unknown provenance (mentor: Z. Jembrih, MA, Assoc. Prof.). She has participated in the conservation of a medieval wall painting in the church of St. Mary of the Pond at Gologorica (mentor: N. Pološki, MA, Assist. Prof.).

LARA JURKI (Zagreb, 1993) started her studies at the Department of Conversation and Restoration of Works of Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts, Zagreb, in 2012. During her studies she has worked on the icon depicting the life of Virgin Mary by an unknown author (mentor: T. Ukrainčik, MA, Assoc. Prof.). She has also worked on a polychrome wooden sculpture of an unknown saint from the parish church of Lešće na Dobri (mentor: Z. Jembrih, MA, Assoc. Prof.). She has participated in the conservation works on the medieval wall painting in the church of St. Mary of the Pond in Gologorica (mentor: N. Pološki, MA, Assist. Prof.).