Jedanaesta konferencija
- Post 31 Ožujak 2018
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Povijest konferencije
- Hitovi: 5431
////////// Zagreb, 24. – 26. travnja 2014.
_usmena izlaganja
Maria Kisiel (Krakov): The splitting treatment on the obverse of the right, smaller wing of the Łącko Triptych from the beggining of the 16th century
Helena Ugrina (Split): Is crust black or white? A study in Croatian conservation-restoration terminology
Ana Maly, Julia Mitterbauer i Marco Rican (Beč): Developing Carbon-fibre Reinforced Epoxy Dowels for the Reassembly of a Fragmented Egyptian Coffin Lid
Ivan-Vanja Martinović, Mirna Međeral i Ivana Pavleka (Zagreb): Workshop experiences – materials and methods in wall painting conservation
Rebeka Nagy (Budimpešta): The restoration of a Persian hand-armour
Luka Novak i Anica Pintur (Zagreb): Interfacultative collaboration of the Department for Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Academy of Fine Arts with the Department for Art History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb
Joanna Zwinczak (Krakov): Structural conservation of a Flemish panel painting by Adriaen de Gryef: Stabilization of the support
Barbara Krilanović (Dubrovnik): The skeleton of hand fans
Valentina Bakša (Zagreb): Wooden polychrome sculpture Suffering Christ from the Diocesan Museum in Zagreb
Anna Pilarski (Stuttgart): Research on flexible gap fillers for wooden objects, based on the work of Mintrop
Ksenija Janković (Ljubljana): Preventive conservation of daguerreotypes in Slovenia
Petra Richter (Zagreb): Conservation and restoration of painting The Adoration of the Three Kings
Oskar Hanusek (Krakov): The problem of contemporary artwork’s conservation in the context of the artist’s notes and works: a case study of Maria Pinińska-Bereś’s The Meadow of Your Body – an artwork made using polymer foam
Petra Juvan (Ljubljana): A proposal to establish a more suitable micro-indoor environment for the two paintings by Valentin Metzinger in the Succursal Church of Žale, Kamnik
Ivan Tibor Grujić (Zagreb): Short video documentary: conservation and restoration works on the sculpture of St. Michael the Archangel (projekcija)
Petar Nevžala (Dubrovnik): Interpretation of pattern on chasuble inv. no. 5A
Wiktoria Zejler (Krakov): Identification, conservation and restoration of the wall painting situated in the cloister of the Sanctuary of the Our Lady Queen of Families in Wambierzyce
Zala Kalan (Ljubljana): onservation and restoration of wooden marionettes from the play The Strike Brigade
Wawrzyniec Woźniak (Krakov): Christ crucified – wooden, polychrome sculpture from the Dominicans monastery in Cracov- conservation and restoration in the context of a comparative analysis of the state of research and the corresponding animated figures
Romana Manenica (Dubrovnik): Conservation-restoration of Terracotta ring vase – Cypriot collection from Archaeological museum of Dubrovnik. Replacement of missing parts: modelling and moulding
Izabela Górka-Zygier (Krakov): Conservation and restoration of 19th century casket including reconstruction of the missing elements in the material imitating bone
Orsolya Zelenák, Júlia Tövissi i Tamás Sipos (Budimpešta): Conservation aspects and methods applied on several medieval parchment fragments
Piotr Jarek (Krakow): The problems of historical alterations in the cassone type chest using the example of the conservation of the 16th century Italian chest
Martina Lochert (Zagreb): Canon Tables
Karmen Milić (Split): Preventive Conservation in the Church of St. Joseph (Lazarus) on the Island of Čiovo
Josip Nižetić (Split): Preventive Conservation in the Church of St. Joseph (Lazarus) on the Island of Čiovo: The short version
Oskar Hanusek (Krakov): The Meadow of Your Body – conservation of contemporary artwork made using polymer foam
Bernarda Đurić, Nikolina Lovrić i Katarina Cvrlje (Split): Learning Outside the Classroom: Mastering the Basics of Scientific Research and the Conservation-Restoration Documentation
Katarina Apolonio, Kristina Cvija i Ana Grđan (Zagreb): Practical training – Wall painting conservation project in the church of St. Mary of Pond in Gologorica (Istria)
Anna Selerowicz (Varšava): Solving secrets of two 17th century portraits; research on Anthony van Dyck artworks
Nika Maštruko (Zagreb): Wood to gold, the appliance of metal leaves to wooden surfices
Joanna Zwinczak (Krakov): Structural conservation of a Flemish panel painting by Adriaen de Gryef: Stabilization of the support
Maria Kisiel (Krakov): The splitting treatment on the obverse of the right, smaller wing of the Łącko Triptych from the beginning of the 16th century
Opširnije o ovome skupu pročitajte ovdje. Na Konferenciji je gostovao direktor izdavačke kuće Archetype Publications Ltd. iz Londona, James Black. Archetypeove knjige mogle su se kupiti po sniženim cijenama. Organizatori su priredili cjelodnevni izlet u Hrvatsko zagorje.
Splitski studenti objavili su osvrt na Konferenciju na blogu Stažiranje među umjetninama (Josipa Krolo, "Studenti o studentskoj konferenciji – 1. dio"; Katarina Cvrlje, "Studenti o studentskoj konferenciji – 2. dio"; Martina Bilobrk i Dora Blažević, "Studenti o studentskoj konferenciji – 3. dio") i u sveučilišnom listu Universitas (Dora Blažević, "11. međunarodna konferencija studija konzervacije-restauracije").
Priredila: dr. sc. Sagita Mirjam Sunara, doc. art. (Umjetnička akademija u Splitu, Odsjek za konzervaciju-restauraciju) / Datum zadnje izmjene: 31. ožujka 2018.