Seven altars from the church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary from in Sutivan on the island of Brač
- Post 17 Listopad 2021
- By Sagita Mirjam Sunara
- In Predavanja
- Hitovi: 995
Authors: Jana Siriščević, Luciana Gugić, Dominika Bilač and Rina Dubravec
Mentors: Siniša Bizjak, Assistant Professor; Ivo Donelli, Professor
Institution: Department of Conservation-Restoration, Arts Academy of the University of Split (Croatia)
Study programme: Intergrated undergraduate and graduate course of study in conservation-restoration, 5th year of study
Specialization: Conservation-restoration of stone
The presentation contains overview of the 7 altars which are located in the church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary from 16.-th century in Sutivan on the island of Brač. The church is situated on the north side of the island near the sea which caused the damage on altars due to harmful soluble salts and dust that are brought by northern wind. Mostly the damage on altars is similar on each one, such as the scattering of stone due the presence of salt, missing parts of marquetry, separation of architectural parts and impurities.
Speakers' biographies
RINA DUBRAVEC was born on April 14, 1998. In Split, Croatia. From 2012 until 2016 she attended high school for Design, graphic and sustainable construction - course of Interior architecture designer. In 2017 she enrolled in the Arts Academy in Split, course of Conservation-restoration of Stone where she is currently attending her fifth year.
JANA SIRIŠČEVIĆ was born on March 6, 1998, in Split in Croatia. From 2011 until 2016 she attended Language high school. Then in 2017. she enrolled in the Arts Academy in Split and started the course of conservation-restoration of Stone where she is currently attending her fifth year.
LUCIANA GUGIĆ was born on March 9, 1999, in Split, Croatia. From 2012 until 2016 she attended high school for Design, graphic and sustainable construction - course of Arranging set designer. In 2017. she enrolled in the Arts Academy in Split and started the course of Conservation-restoration of Stone where she is currently attending her fifth year.
DOMINIKA BILAČ was born on September 13, 1997, in Split, Croatia. From 2011 until 2016 she attended the high school of ART, a course of Photography designer. Then in 2017, she enrolled in the Arts Academy in Split and started the course of Conservation-restoration of Stone where she is currently attending her fifth year.